The colloquia on funerary archaeology have international character and during previous 22 years there have been organized 13 in total, where just one was in Bulgaria while all others were in Romania. These colloquia were organized under the aegis of International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP) - 30th Commission, Association for Studies in Funerary Archaeology – Romania (ASAF), in cooperation with local museums who took part as co-organizers and the hosts of the meeting. The National Museum in Čačak in collaboration with Faculty of Philosophy from Belgrade and with aforementioned associations organized the 14th colloquium, which was dedicated to the very prominent Serbian archaeologist, dr Rastko Vasić. Participants were from different parts of the Europe. On the program there were 26 papers signed by 33 authors from 11 European countries: Serbia, Romania, Greece, Ukraine, Bohemia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria and Great Britain.
It is worth to mention that the Museum in Čačak was the host of the scientific symposium in 2002, inspired by the outstanding results of excavations in Mojsinje. To the symposium, which was dedicated to the mound burials, a number of scholars participated from different parts of Europe. The colloquium proceedings still represent unavoidable literature, while the Museum in Čačak has confirmed and maintained a highly appreciated place in the scientific milieu.